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鮑魚 Abalone
南非帝豪鮑 South African Farmed Abalone in Brine
鮑魚 Abalone

鮑魚營養價值高,鮑魚肉含有豐富的蛋白質及礦物質。由於是深海生物,具有滋陰補養功效,能滋腎,平肝,去濕毒,中醫認為是一種補而不燥的海產, 多吃也無妨,吃後不會上火。為乎合各界消費者的要求,現處有一種與「罐頭鮑魚」相似的「真空複合塑膠杯裝」鮑魚,透明度高,可見整隻鮑魚及數量多寡,便於 普羅大眾選購。

Abalone has great nutrient value, contain rich protein and minerals. In order to satisfy consumers from all different aspects, a vacuum compound plastic packaging for abalone is invented, that is transparent, in order for the consumer to select abalone that suits their needs.


F1是指一級(First Grade),內有一隻鮑魚。
F2是指一級(First Grade),內有兩隻鮑魚。
FF1是指一級(First Grade),內有一隻及一片鮑魚。
S是指二級(Second Grade),質素較為次等。

Tips for Canned Abalone:
F1 meaning First Grade, containing one abalone per can
F2 meaning First Grade, containing two abalones per can
FF1 meaning First Grade, containing one abalone and one slice of abalone per can
S meaning Second Grade, quality of contained abalone is less supreme.


Abalone can generally categorize into three types: fresh abalone, dried abalone and canned abalone.



In order to maintain the freshness and stable quality of abalone’s texture, a fine quality canned abalone sealed the can right after the abalone is being processed.



Canned abalones can also divide into Japanese Kippin Abalone, Mexican Calmex Abalone, South African Abalone, Australian Canned Abalone, and New Zealand Canned Abalone. Our company focus on supplying canned abalone originated from Australia and South Africa. South African Abalone has rich flavor, its quality is just behind the Japanese abalone, which is the world’s best quality abalone. It is cheaper than Japanese abalone while share great similarities, so it is greatly appreciated.

鮑魚 Abalone
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